New Nasal Spray Prevents Covid Infection in Ferrets, Study Finds

The New York Times reports: A nasal spray that blocks the absorption of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has completely protected ferrets it was tested on, according to a small study released on Thursday by an international team of scientists. The study, which was limited to animals and has not yet been peer-reviewed, was assessed by several health experts at the request of…

The T-Cell Immune Response To COVID-19 Lasts At Least Six Months

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Economist: Over the past year, many reports have shown rapidly waning levels of covid-specific antibodies after the initial burst caused by an infection. […] Yet antibodies tell only part of the story. Another important actor is the T-cell. Rather than attacking viruses directly, T-cells attack infected cells, to stop the virus reproducing. The…

Moderna On Track to Report COVID-19 Vaccine Late-Stage Trial Data in November

This week Moderna “said it is on track to report early data from a late-stage trial of its experimental COVID-19 vaccine next month, reports Reuters, “offering the clearest timeline yet for when the world will know whether it is effective.” The company, one of the front-runners in the global race to produce vaccines to protect against COVID-19, said an independent data…

While Europe Accounts for 46% of COVID-19 Cases, Taiwan Goes 200 Days Without a Local Infection

Europe “now accounts for 46% of global coronavirus cases,” reports ABC News, “and nearly a third of total related deaths.” Dr. Jean-Francois Delfraissy, a senior French physician and the president of the scientific council that reports to the government, warned that the country has “lost control of the epidemic,” after health authorities reported more than 52,000 new cases. He said that…

Researchers Discover Second ‘Key’ Used By Coronavirus To Enter Human Cells

Kiuas writes: Researchers from the Technical University of Munich and the University of Helsinki have discovered a second receptor (called neuropilin-1) which is used by the SARS-CoV-2 virus to enter into human cells via the nasal cavity. The discovery is important as it helps explain the rapid spread of the virus, and also helps define a potential target for antirviral intervention……

Covid-19 will probably become endemic. Here’s what that means

Rather than completely disappear – even when vaccines become available- it’s likely that the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 will be added to the family of infectious diseases known as “endemic” in the human population. Source:…

UK’s vital covid-19 infection tracking survey deluged by complaints

The UK’s flagship covid-19 infection tracking survey has been deluged by complaints, with volunteers calling it an “absolute shambles” and “disappointing and frustrating” Source:…