Gemini twins are triplets on March 5

Let tonight’s moon show you the Gemini twins, Castor and Pollux, as well as Procyon, aka the Little Dog Star. Source:…

Australian smoke plume sets records

The recent wildfires in Australia sent one of the largest plumes of smoke higher into the the stratosphere than satellites have ever before observed. Source:…

2009 Crash of Boeing 737 NG Now Receiving New Scrutiny

Slashdot reader JoeyRox shares a disturbing story about a Boeing 737 NG flight carrying 128 passengers that crashed in 2009, killings its three pilots, another crew member and five passengers. But “the Dutch investigators focused blame on the pilots for failing to react properly when an automated system malfunctioned and caused the plane to plummet into a field,” the New York…

Chinese New Year 2020 falls on January 25

Chinese New Year 2020 falls on January 25 in Asia (January 24 in the west), beginning the Year of the Rat. China’s public holiday will be January 24-30. In Beijing this week, Chinese health officials expressed concerns about a coronavirus now spreading during this heavy travel season in Asia. Source:…

Michelin sustainable rubber criticised for deforestation

Michelin and WWF have been criticised over a rubber plantation in Indonesia which villagers say has caused deforestation and destroyed elephant habitat Source:…

Scientists have discovered five new species of songbird in Indonesia

Five species of songbird and five subspecies have been discovered by scientists for the first time in mountainous areas of Indonesia Source:…

Ancient humans were weirdly slow to cross from mainland Asia to Java

Homo erectus probably only arrived on Indonesia about 1.3 million years ago, even though they were widespread in Asia hundreds of thousands of years earlier Source:…

Russian Journals Retract More Than 800 Papers After ‘Bombshell’ Investigation

sciencehabit writes: Academic journals in Russia are retracting more than 800 papers following a probe into unethical publication practices by a commission appointed by the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). The moves come in the wake of several other queries suggesting the vast Russian scientific literature is riddled with plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and so-called gift authorship, in which academics become a co-author…

Last known appearance of Homo erectus was in Ngandong, Java

New research shows that Homo erectus, an ancestor of human beings, lived as recently as 108,000 to 117,000 years ago in Ngandong, on the Indonesian island of Java. Source:…