Can Save Independent Bookstores?

The Los Angeles Times recently checked in on, an online bookseller, as it pulled in its first $1 million to help local bookstores across America (thanks partly to a partnership with Simon & Schuster). “(This milestone) means that we’re accomplishing our mission of being a real meaningful support for independent bookstores,” said Andy Hunter, Bookshop’s founder and CEO. “We’re exceedingly…

Vivarium review: An indie sci-fi that packs a creepy punch

In Vivarium, a young couple in need of a starter home meet an estate agent who is very definitely not what he seems, and nor is the estate he shows them, finds Simon Ings Source:…

‘Contagion,’ Steven Soderbergh’s 2011 Thriller, Is Climbing Up the Charts

One of the hottest movies in the Warner Bros. library is a nine-year-old drama that kills off Gwyneth Paltrow in its first 15 minutes. From a report: Fears of the coronavirus have prompted movie fans to re-examine Steven Soderbergh’s star-studded 2011 thriller, “Contagion,” a fictional account of a pandemic that kills 26 million people worldwide. According to Warner Bros., the film…

Developers Say Google Didn’t Offer Enough Money To Make Stadia Games

After years of development and hype, Google’s long-rumored push into video games arrived last November, with the launch of Google Stadia. Google Stadia isn’t a game console, nor is it a game platform, really — it’s a digital storefront run by Google where you can buy individual games. It’s a hugely ambitious new platform, and it aimed to be the Netflix…

Huge PS5 Leak Spills a Bunch of Info On Sony’s Reveal Event

A PS5 leak posted on 4Chan, which was later reposted on Reddit, spills a bunch of information on the PlayStation 5 reveal event which is expected to take place in February. According to the leak, the PS5 will be unveiled on February 5 at a PlayStation Meeting event for the media. “The console design, controller, UI/home screen, certain features, console specs,…

Terry Cavanagh Releases Source Code For VVVVVV On GitHub

The source code for acclaimed 2D puzzle platformer VVVVVV has been released by creator Terry Cavanagh to celebrate the title’s 10th anniversary. Gamasutra reports: Breaking to news in a blog post, Cavanagh explained the code fro both the desktop and mobile versions of the game can now be grabbed over on Github, and confessed that “even by the standard of self…

Netflix Cancels Rebooted ‘Mystery Science Theatre 3000’

Netflix’s reboot of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 made this year’s “Best Of” lists from both The New York Times and Rotten Tomatoes. Yet apparently their bosses didn’t like them, and have shot them into space. Forbes reports: In a controversial move poisoning Thanksgiving for many indie comedy fans, Mystery Science Theater 3000 host Jonah Ray tweeted that Netflix has cancelled the…

Google’s Play Store Gives a Worse Age Rating To Fleksy, a Gboard Rival

An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: Do a search on Google’s Play Store in Europe and you’ll find the company’s own Gboard app has an age rating of PEGI 3 — aka the pan-European game information labelling system which signifies content is suitable for all age groups. PEGI 3 means it may still contain a little cartoon violence. Say,…