Scooters In Cities Are Becoming A Huge Problem

An anonymous reader quotes CNN: Stewart Goodwin tried to put a stop to the constant flow of scooters into the plaza he oversees. He spoke to the government and scooter companies, but to no avail. “We still find scooters in our fountains,” Goodwin, executive director of the Indiana War Memorials in Indianapolis, told CNN Business. “We find them in the canal….

Dark Rift in the Milky Way

Standing under a dark sky in late July or August? Look up! You’ll notice a long, dark lane dividing the bright Milky Way. This Dark Rift is a place where new stars are forming. Source:…

Cockroaches May Soon Be Unstoppable — Thanks To Fast-Evolving Insecticide Resistance

sciencehabit shares a report: The day that squeamish humans — and exterminators — have long feared may have come at last: Cockroaches are becoming invincible. Or at least German cockroaches (Blattella germanica) are, according to a new study. Researchers have found that these creatures, which have long been a prevalent urban pest, are becoming increasingly resistant to almost every kind of…

FBI Urges Universities To Monitor Some Chinese Students And Scholars In the US

U.S. intelligence agencies are encouraging American research universities to develop protocols for monitoring students and visiting scholars from Chinese state-affiliated research institutions, as U.S. suspicion toward China spreads to academia. From a report: Since last year, FBI officials have visited at least 10 members of the Association of American Universities, a group of 62 research universities, with an unclassified list of…

US Government Announces Nationwide Crackdown on Robocallers

The US government announced a nationwide crackdown on illegal robocalls on Tuesday, targeting companies and individuals who have collectively placed over 1 billion unwanted calls for financial schemes and other services, according to the Federal Trade Commission. From a report: The crackdown involves nearly 100 cases, five of which are criminal enforcement actions. They were brought by the FTC, Justice Department,…

Iridescent cloud? Or circumhorizon arc?

It’s easy to confuse these 2 elusive, colorful, beautiful daytime sky phenomena. How can you tell the difference? Source:…

What you need to know about derechos

Derechos typically form in late spring and summer. They are violent storm systems that can produce widespread wind damage across a large area. Check out the images in this post. Source:…

Pete Buttigieg, Barack Obama, and the psychology of liberalism

Buttigieg is going for the “hope and change” voters. There was a word missing from the speech Pete Buttigieg gave in South Bend, Indiana, announcing his presidential campaign. It’s a word you heard twice in Bernie Sanders’s and Beto O’Rourke’s announcement speeches, nine times in Cory Booker’s, 21 times in Kirsten Gillibrand’s, 23 times in… Continue reading Pete Buttigieg, Barack Obama, and the psychology of liberalism