Global warming is influencing where tropical cyclones rage

While the global average number of tropical cyclones each year hasn’t budged from 86 over the last 4 decades, climate change has been influencing the locations of these deadly storms. Source:…

This could be the longest ocean creature ever recorded

Scientists have discovered a 150-foot (46-meter) example of a siphonophore, a string-like deep-sea predator in Australian waters. Source:…

January 2020 was Earth’s warmest on record

January 2020 was the planet’s hottest January in the NOAA global temperature dataset record, which dates back to 1880. Source:…

Albatrosses Outfitted With GPS Trackers Detect Illegal Fishing Vessels

schwit1 shares a report from the Smithsonian: Capable of following fishing boats into remote regions out of reach of monitoring machines like ships, aircraft and even certain satellites, these feathered crimefighters could offer a convenient and cost-effective way to keep tabs on foul play at sea — and may even help gather crucial conservation data along the way. […] On top…

Albatrosses strapped with sensors help spy on illegal fishing boats

Attach a radar sensor to an albatross and you have a bird spy. Researchers deployed 169 of them in the Indian Ocean and found that a quarter of fishing vessels may be operating illegally Source:…

Satellite Captures Rare Images of Atmospheric Gravity Waves

Earlier this week, Australian weather forecast service Weatherzone captured satellite images of atmospheric gravity waves pulsing through clouds over the ocean. CNN reports: The images show the waves spreading out from the coast of Western Australia, sending ripples through clouds over the Indian Ocean. The gravity waves were triggered by thunderstorms, with cold air flowing out from the squalls resulting in…

Equinox sun is over Earth’s equator

At an equinox, and for several days before and after, the midday sun is straight up at noon seen from Earth’s equator. At this equinox, the sun is crossing the celestial equator, moving from north to south. Source:…

Double heatwave killed two-thirds of coral in central Indian Ocean

Back-to-back heatwaves in the central Indian Ocean killed more than two-thirds of corals in two years, but some corals appear to be more resilient Source:…

The satellite with X-ray vision

In the early hours of October 23, 2011, ROSAT was engulfed in the waves of the Indian Ocean. This was the end of a success story that is unparalleled in German space exploration research. The satellite, developed and built by a team led by Joachim Trümper from the Garchingbased Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, not only found more than 150,000…

Preparing for asteroid Apophis

Astronomers are meeting today at the Planetary Defense Conference to discuss plans to observe asteroid 99942 Apophis, a relatively large asteroid that’ll sweep past Earth safely – but rather closely – in 2029. Source:…