Mob destroys monolith over ‘Illuminati’ fears

A metallic monolith that appeared in the Democratic Republic of Congo has been torched by a mob. The mysterious 12ft metal structure, which appeared o… Source:…

Secretive Surveillance Company Is Selling Cops Cameras Hidden In Gravestones

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Motherboard: A surveillance vendor that works with U.S. government agencies, such as the FBI, DEA, and ICE, is marketing spying capabilities to local police departments, including cameras that are hidden inside a tombstone, a baby car seat, and a vacuum cleaner. The brochure highlights some of the capabilities on offer to law enforcement agencies,…

Nike Releases Flat Earther’s UFO and Illuminati-Themed Shoes on 4/20

You know we as a society have hit peak conspiracy theory and UFO saturation when these elements of our cultural consciousness and folklore start popping up in unexpected and high-profile places: mass media, professional sports leagues, and even the halls of the U.S. government. UFOs, the paranormal, and all things conspiracy-related may be hot right… Read more » Source:…

19.14 – MU Plus+ Podcast

The subversive forces of the Dark Gods have been with us since the beginning of human history. On this episode of Mysterious Universe Plus+ we dive into the connections between secret societies, the Nazis and the “Dark Gods”. We also check in with Lynne and Jamie of the Angelic Initiative to see who is telling… Continue reading 19.14 – MU Plus+ Podcast