In Rare Show of Solidarity, 14 Key Nations Commit To Protect Oceans

When the heads of state of 14 nations sat down together in late 2018 to discuss the grim condition of the world’s oceans, there was no certainty that anything consequential would result. The leaders planned 14 gatherings, but met only twice before the pandemic upended their talks. So when the group announced this week the world’s most far-reaching pact to protect…

Albatrosses Outfitted With GPS Trackers Detect Illegal Fishing Vessels

schwit1 shares a report from the Smithsonian: Capable of following fishing boats into remote regions out of reach of monitoring machines like ships, aircraft and even certain satellites, these feathered crimefighters could offer a convenient and cost-effective way to keep tabs on foul play at sea — and may even help gather crucial conservation data along the way. […] On top…

Albatrosses strapped with sensors help spy on illegal fishing boats

Attach a radar sensor to an albatross and you have a bird spy. Researchers deployed 169 of them in the Indian Ocean and found that a quarter of fishing vessels may be operating illegally Source:…

Sea of Shadows: Film documents demise of the world’s smallest porpoise

Decimated by illegal fishing for the totoaba fish, the vaquita is the victim of global organised crime. Can a powerful new documentary improve its chances? Source:…