How Toxic Fumes Seep Into the Air You Breathe on Planes

An anonymous reader shares an investigative report by LA Times: The plane had begun its descent into Boston. Inside the cockpit, the captain was slumped in his seat. Sitting beside him, copilot Eric Tellmann was starting to pass out. Tellmann managed to strap on his oxygen mask, then grabbed the captain’s arm and forced him to follow suit. Reviving slowly, the…

World’s biggest iceberg on collision course with South Georgia Island

Antarctic iceberg A-68A has drifted menacingly close to a remote island in the southern Atlantic Ocean. The giant iceberg could strike land this month. Source:…

Will Businesses Make 2021 The Year of the Linux Desktop?

Writing for TechRepublic, open source advocate Jack Wallen predicts 2021 will be a year where open source technology dominates the world of big data even more than 2021 (with a big role predicted for SUSE). But he also sees businesses cutting costs by switching to open source solutions — including a big move to Linux on enterprise desktops, thanks to enterprise-ready…

‘I Tried the World’s First No-Kill, Lab-Grown Chicken Burger’

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: PhD in genetics might seem like an unusual requirement for the role of head chef. It makes more sense when the man running the kitchen is not just in charge of frying your chicken burger — he created the meat himself. “This burger takes something between two to three days to grow,”…

Huge iceberg A-68A nears South Georgia Island

Scientists watch as A-68A, currently the planet’s largest iceberg, approaches a remote island in the southern Atlantic Ocean. Source:…

Iceberg the size of Cyprus on collision course with Atlantic island

An iceberg the size of Cyprus is on a collision course with the island of South Georgia, risking a major threat to the remote Atlantic island’s globally important penguin and seal colonies. Source:…