Earth’s glaciers and ice sheets are melting

Several new studies released in recent weeks paint a dire picture of the ongoing melting of Earth’s freshwater ice sheets and glaciers, 99% of which are found in Greenland and Antarctica. Source:…

Greenland’s Ice Sheet has Melted to a Point of No Return

“Ice melting in Greenland contributes more than a millimeter rise to sea level every year,” reports CNN, adding that now “that’s likely to get worse.” And Forbes shares some context:
Last week, the world was given two more harsh reminders of what the future holds as residents of Italy’s Aosta valley were told to evacuate fearing that a huge portion of the…

Satellites discover new penguin colonies from space

Satellite images have revealed 11 previously unknown emperor penguin colonies in Antarctica, identified by telltale reddish-brown guano stains the birds leave on the ice. Source:…

Giant A-68 iceberg 3 years on

The colossal iceberg that split from Antarctica’s Larsen C ice shelf in July 2017 is now in the open waters of the South Atlantic, about 650 miles (1,050 km) from its birthplace. Source:…

Earth’s biggest iceberg breaks off smaller berg

The colossal iceberg from Antarctica’s Larsen-C Ice Shelf finally fractured in April, generating a new 51-square-nautical-mile iceberg. Source:…

Warm water measured below Antarctic glacier

The warm water found flowing under Thwaites Glacier in western Antarctica helps explain its rapid melting. Thwaites is part of what’s described the “weak underbelly” of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Its melting has implications for sea-level rise around the world. Source:…

Underwater Robot Reveals Hidden Base of Antarctica’s ‘Doomsday’ Glacier

sciencehabit shares a report from Science Magazine: Using a robot dropped through a 700-meter hole in the ice, scientists stationed on Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier have captured the first video of the glacier’s grounding line, the mysterious boundary where ice meets land and where warm ocean water could be slowly melting the glacier’s base — putting it at risk of collapse (above)….

Ice cliffs in Antarctica might not contribute to extreme sea-level rise in this century

A 2016 study suggested tall ice cliffs along Antarctica’s coast might collapse rapidly under their own weight and contribute to more than 6 feet of sea-level rise by 2100. Now, MIT researchers have found this prediction may be overestimated. Source:…