Facebook Says It’s Standing Up Against Apple For Small Businesses. Some Of Its Employees Don’t Believe It.

Last Tuesday, Facebook launched what it portrayed as a full-throated defense of small businesses. But while the $750 billion company’s public relations effort has presented a united front with small businesses, some Facebook employees complained about what they called a self-serving campaign that bordered on hypocrisy, according to internal comments and audio of a presentation to workers that were obtained by…

The Battle Over Chips is About to Get Uglier

“We’re in a new world where governments are more concerned about the security of their digital infrastructure and the resiliency of their supply chains,” Jimmy Goodrich, vice president of global policy with the Washington-based Semiconductor Industry Association, tells Bloomberg. “The techno-nationalist trends gaining traction in multiple capitals around the world are a challenge to the semiconductor industry.” At once highly globalized…

Super Secretive Russian Disinfo Operation Discovered Dating Back To 2014

Social media research group Graphika published today a 120-page report unmasking a new Russian information operation of which very little has been known so far. ZDNet reports: Codenamed Secondary Infektion, the group is different from the Internet Research Agency (IRA), the Sankt Petersburg company (troll farm) that has interfered in the US 2016 presidential election. Graphika says this new and separate…