Demonstrating slow light in rubidium vapor using single photons from a trapped ion

Quantum networks can be practically implemented to interface with different quantum systems. In order to photonically link hybrid systems with combined unique properties of each constituent system, scientists must integrate sources with the same photon emission wavelength. For instance, trapped ions and neutral atoms can both have compelling properties as nodes and memories within quantum networks but without photonic linking due…

Producing dissipative coupling in hybrid quantum systems

As quantum objects are susceptible to their surrounding environment, quantum coherence and quantum states can easily be destroyed due to the impact of external signals, which can include thermal noise and backscattered signals in the measurement circuit. Researchers have thus been trying to develop techniques to enable nonreciprocal signal propagation, which could help to block the undesired effects of backward…

Scare stories of mutant GM mosquitoes aren’t true, but have some truth

Tales of hybrid super-mosquitoes produced by a GM trial in Brazil are way off the mark – but our careless ways do create mutants that harm us, says Michael Le Page Source:…

Libre-RISC-V 3D CPU/GPU Seeks Grants For Ambitious Expansion

The NLNet Foundation is a non-profit supporting privacy, security, and the “open internet”. Now the open source Libre RISC-V hybrid CPU/GPU is applying for eight additional grants from the NLNet Foundation, according to this update from the project’s Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton (Slashdot reader #517,947): Details on each Grant Application are on the newly-opened RISC-V Community Forum. The general idea is…

NASA Partners With General Electric To Advance The Future Of Electric Flight

“Electric flight is becoming a tantalizingly close reality for shorter-range service,” writes ZDNet. “But increasing passenger carrying capacity and flight times to economically accommodate longer routes will require a major rethink of crucial components.” pgmrdlm quotes their report:
GE is partnering with the NASA Advanced Air Vehicles Program on a new generation of inverter using GE’s silicon Carbide technology. The project aims…

Transgenic Mosquitoes Transferred Their Genes Into a Natural Population

Long-time Slashdot reader cccc828 shares a Nature article “about genetically modified mosquitoes that were supposed to reduce the mosquito population. However, instead of dying, some survived, spreading the new genes.” In an attempt to control the mosquito-borne diseases yellow fever, dengue, chikungunya, and Zika fevers, a strain of transgenically modified Aedes aegypti mosquitoes containing a dominant lethal gene has been developed…

Rogue ‘Immune Cell X’ Is a Completely New Type of Cell. It Could Trigger Type 1 Diabetes.

Scientists have discovered a mysterious population of previously unknown cells lurking in the human body, and they may trigger Type 1 diabetes. Source:

Electric Car Charge Posts To Be Installed In Every New Home In England

England is introducing a mandatory electric car charging point for each newly built home. “This means that every brand new home, by law, will have to have a charging port for your electric vehicle — even if you don’t yet own one,” reports CleanTechnica. From the report: This would make it easier on both fully electric and plug-in hybrid owners in…

Microsoft Announces Surface Event On October 2nd, Could Launch New Dual-Screen Tablet/Laptop Hybrid

Microsoft announced it will be holding a Surface hardware event in New York City on October 2nd, which could be where the company unveils its dual-screen Surface laptop / tablet hybrid that’s been in development for more than two years. As The Verge reports, the new dual-screen device, codenamed “Centaurus,” is “designed to be the hero device for a wave of…

VMware Buys Carbon Black and Pivotal, Valued Together at $4.8 billion

Software company VMware on Thursday said it’s acquiring Carbon Black at an enterprise value of $2.1 billion and Pivotal at an enterprise value of $2.7 billion. The deals are expected to close by the end of January 2020. From a report: These are VMware’s largest acquisitions yet. The deals build on VMware’s strength helping companies run their software in their own…