Soil safely filters 38 million tonnes of human waste each year

With some types of sanitation, such as pit latrines, human waste can be filtered through soil. Across the world around 38 million tonnes of human waste is sanitised this way – the equivalent of around £3.2 billion of commercial water treatment Source:…

Laser-sculpted aluminium purifies water with the power of sunlight

A black panel of aluminium created by lasers can purify water containing human waste and heavy metals to drinkable standards, using just sunlight Source:…

Scientists Discover How To Make Bricks Out Of Human Waste

John Vibes – Another step forward in the search for sustainable building materials. Source:…

NASA Plans Mission to Bring Apollo Astronauts’ Poop Back From the Moon

It should come as no surprise that NASA is always thinking about astronaut poop/feces/urine/waste. In fact, it should please us that so much goes into what comes out of space travelers. Most people know that the residents of the International Space Station recycle liquid waste and eject the solid stuff. It’s easy to figure out… Continue reading NASA Plans Mission to Bring Apollo Astronauts’ Poop Back From the Moon

Climate Change Could Expose Tons of Human Poop Left on Alaskan Glacier

There’s a somewhat hokey saying among outdoor enthusiasts that goes, “Take only pictures, leave only footprints,” and while unstated, I assume this applies to hauling your literal crap out, too. But at Denali National Park in Alaska, few have followed this mantra, abandoning roughly 66 tons of human poop that—because of course it gets worse—may… Continue reading Climate Change Could Expose Tons of Human Poop Left on Alaskan Glacier