Washington Becomes First State To Legalize Human Composting

Governor Jay Inslee signed legislation Tuesday making Washington the first state to approve composting as an alternative to burying or cremating human remains. The Associated Press reports: It allows licensed facilities to offer “natural organic reduction,” which turns a body, mixed with substances such as wood chips and straw, into about two wheelbarrows’ worth of soil in a span of several…

An Ancient “Fast-Food” Counter And A 2,500-Year-Old High Priest

Archaeologists have discovered a well-preserved “fast food” counter in the ancient Roman city of Pompeii. Around 150 thermopolia (or snack bars) have already been discovered around the city and they were primarily used by poor locals who didn’t have cooking facilities in their homes. Coarse bread with salty fish, lentils, baked cheese, and spicy wine… Continue reading An Ancient “Fast-Food” Counter And A 2,500-Year-Old High Priest