Meet an iconic spiral galaxy

This is a particularly photogenic spiral galaxy, called NGC 2903. You can see its pinwheeling spiral arms, scatterings of stars, glowing bursts of gas, and dark lanes of cosmic dust. Source:…

Table salt compound spotted on Jupiter’s moon Europa

Europa has an ocean, hidden beneath its icy crust. The discovery of sodium chloride – aka table salt – on the moon’s surface might be strong evidence that Europa’s ocean is very similar to Earth’s. Source:…

Model suggests how early dark energy could resolve the Hubble tension

The universe is continuously expanding, yet the exact rate at which it does so remains unclear, and has so far only been approximated using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and other similar instruments. Moreover, in recent years, astronomers using the Hubble telescope have unveiled a discrepancy between the two primary techniques used for estimating the universe’s expansion rate. Source:…

Hubble sets sights on an explosive galaxy

When massive stars die at the end of their short lives, they light up the cosmos with bright, explosive bursts of light and material known as supernovae. A supernova event is incredibly energetic and intensely luminous—so much so that it forms what looks like an especially bright new star that slowly fades away over time. Source:…

Table salt may be hiding in Europa’s underground sea

Observations of Europa by the Hubble Space Telescope suggest that the moon’s ice-covered ocean may hold sodium chloride, or common table salt. Source:…

Hubble observes tiny galaxy with big heart

Nestled within this field of bright foreground stars lies ESO 495-21, a tiny galaxy with a big heart. ESO 495-21 may be just 3000 light-years across, but that is not stopping the galaxy from furiously forming huge numbers of stars. It may also host a supermassive black hole; this is unusual for a galaxy of its size, and may provide intriguing…