House Impeaches President Trump For Abuse of Power, Obstruction of Congress

The House of Representatives voted to impeach President Donald J. Trump on Wednesday, marking the third time in the nation’s history the House voted to impeach a sitting president. NBC News reports: Trump was impeached on two articles. The first vote, 230-197, was to impeach him for abuse of power and was almost entirely on party lines; it was followed quickly…

The U.S. Considers Ban on Exporting Surveillance Technology To China

The South China Morning Post reports that the U.S. may be taking a stand against China. This week the U.S. House of Representatives passed a new bill that would “tighten export controls on China-bound U.S. technology that could be used to ‘suppress individual privacy, freedom of movement and other basic human rights’ [and] ordering the U.S. president, within four months of…

Facebook Sued by California Over User-Data Practices Subpoenas

California revealed for the first time an 18-month investigation into Facebook’s privacy practices and accused the social media giant in a court filing on Wednesday of hampering the investigation. From a report: Revelation of the probe is the latest bad news for Facebook, which is already under investigation by 47 U.S. states. Some states, particularly New York and Nebraska, have raised…

Lawmaker Kills Repair Bill Because ‘Cellphones Are Throwaways’

The New Hampshire State House rejected the Digital Fair Repair Act earlier this week in part thanks to a representative who seems to think that cell phones are literally garbage that no one should bother repairing. From a report: The bill would have forced manufacturers such as Apple to share repair manuals and parts with independent repair stores. House members didn’t…

Microsoft, Intel Draft 500,000+ JROTC Kids To Fight National CS Talent Shortage

theodp writes: It’ll be interesting to see how Microsoft employees wary of empowering the military react to Wednesday’s news of an Intel and Microsoft-led alliance that aims to enlist an army of JROTC high school students to fight the war for CS talent, with support from U.S. lawmakers. From the press release: Today, at the 2019 CSforALL Summit, leaders representing CSforALL…

US Senators Want Social Media Users To Be Able To Take Their Data With Them

Three U.S. lawmakers active in tech issues introduced a bill on Tuesday that would require social networks like Facebook to allow users to pack up their data and go elsewhere, they said in a statement. From a report: The senators, Republican Josh Hawley and Democrats Mark Warner and Richard Blumenthal, offered the bill at a time when there is growing concern…

Google’s DNS-Over-HTTPS Plans Scrutinized By US Congress

Google’s plans to implement DNS over TLS in Chrome are being investigated by a committee in the U.S. House of Representatives, while the Justice Department has “recently received complaints” about the practice, according to the Wall Street Journal. An anonymous reader quotes Engadget: While Google says it’s pushing for adoption of the technology to prevent spying and spoofing, House investigators are…

Google’s DNS-Over-TLS Plans Scrutinized By US Congress

Google’s plans to implement DNS over TLS in Chrome are being investigated by a committee in the U.S. House of Representatives, while the Justice Department has “recently received complaints” about the practice, according to the Wall Street Journal. An anonymous reader quotes Engadget: While Google says it’s pushing for adoption of the technology to prevent spying and spoofing, House investigators are…

Trump Impeachment Inquiry Opens as Call Transcript Is Released

The White House released a transcript that showed President Trump urged Ukraine’s leader to contact Attorney General William Barr about opening an inquiry tied to Joseph R. Biden Jr. Two intelligence officials referred Mr. Trump’s activity to the Justice Dept. for a possible criminal inquiry. It declined to open one. The New York Times: President Trump released the transcript on Wednesday…

145 Executives Demand Senate Action on Gun Violence

In a direct and urgent call to address gun violence in America, the chief executives of some of the nation’s best-known companies sent a letter to Senate leaders on Thursday, urging an expansion of background checks to all firearms sales and stronger “red flag” laws. From a report: “Doing nothing about America’s gun violence crisis is simply unacceptable and it is…