CDC: Coronavirus May Have Infected 10 Times More Americans Than Known

Nearly 25 million Americans may have contracted the coronavirus, a figure 10 times higher than the number of confirmed cases, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said Thursday. The Hill reports: In a briefing with reporters Thursday, CDC Director Robert Redfield said surveys of blood samples taken from around the country suggest that millions of Americans may have contracted…

Trump Wants California To Let Automaker Tesla Reopen Assembly Plant

U.S President Trump on Tuesday tweeted that Tesla should be allowed to reopen its electric vehicle assembly plant in California, joining CEO Elon Musk’s bid to defy county officials who have ordered it to remain closed. “California should let Tesla & @elonmusk open the plant, NOW. It can be done Fast & Safely!” Trump wrote on Twitter. Musk tweeted “Thank you!”…

Early Treatment of COVID-19 Patients With HCQ+AZ Shows Benefit, Study Finds

“Over at ScienceDirect, they report on a French ‘retrospective’ study of just over 1,000 patients across all age groups with very good results,” writes long-time Slashdot reader kenh. The analysis found that administration of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Azithromycin (AZ) before COVID-19 complications occur “is safe and associated with very low fatality rate in patients.” From the report: Background: In France, the…