Speculation Grows As AMD Files Patent for GPU Design

Long-time Slashdot reader UnknowingFool writes:
AMD filed a patent on using chiplets for a GPU with hints on why it has waited this long to extend their CPU strategy to GPUs. The latency between chiplets poses more of a performance problem for GPUs, and AMD is attempting to solve the problem with a new interconnect called high bandwidth passive crosslink. This new…

Seeing the Invisible Ones: My Journey to Coursera and Grace Hopper

Hi everyone! My name is Nhu. I’m a recent graduate and a Software Engineer at Coursera. I was also a first-time representative at Grace Hopper. This year, we experienced the conference virtually—there were no free shirts, colorful booth displays, or long lines. We did not get to experience the energy of being in a room […]
The post Seeing the Invisible Ones:…

Google Plans To Build a New Undersea Network Cable Connecting the US, UK and Spain

New submitter rewindustry writes: Google has announced plans to build a new undersea network cable connecting the US, UK and Spain. The tech giant says it is incorporating new technology into the cable, which it claims is a significant upgrade to older existing lines. The project is expected to be completed by 2022. Underwater data cables are vital to global communications…

Steam-powered bot could explore icy moons

Scientists have conceived of a steam-powered robotic hopper bot that could explore Europa and Enceladus. While the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn rem… Source: https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/337824/steam-powered-bot-could-explore-icy-moons…

Ask Slashdot: Are Virtual Or In-Person Developer Conferences ‘Better’?

Long-time Slashdot reader theodp writes: Microsoft Build kicks off online Tuesday as a free virtual event after plans for an in-person Seattle conference with a $2,395 entry fee and 6,000 or so attendees were shelved due to the coronavirus outbreak. It is just one of many large in-person developer conferences that were canceled in response to the pandemic. While the deep-pocketed…

Cobol Programmers Heed the Call to Support America’s Overloaded Unemployment Systems

Earlier this week Slashdot reader puddingebola shared a CNN story headlined “Wanted urgently: People who know a half century-old computer language so states can process unemployment claims…” But now IEEE Spectrum reports that “Cobol programmers in the United States are heeding the call to work on antiquated state unemployment benefits computer systems⦔ The new claims brought the three-week total to more…

SpaceX almost ready to start testing third Starship prototype

For almost a year now, SpaceX has been building a series of Starship prototypes that will test how the system fares when launched to orbit. Coming on the heels of successful hop tests with the Starship Hopper, these tests will validate the spacecraft and its Raptor engines in space. Unfortunately, the company has encountered some hiccups with these prototypes, as the…