Biden Names Jessica Rosenworcel Acting FCC Chair

President Joe Biden has named Jessica Rosenworcel, the FCC’s leading Democrat, as acting FCC chairwoman. She is replacing Ajit Pai, who concluded his four years as chairman yesterday. Engadget reports: Rosenworcel is known as defender of net neutrality policies, and as an advocate for closing the “homework gap,” a reference to students who lack high-speed internet at home. As acting chair,…

Assigning Homework Exacerbates Class Divides, Researchers Find

“Education scholars say that math homework as it’s currently assigned reinforces class divides in society and needs to change for good,” according to Motherboard — citing a new working paper from education scholars:
Status-reinforcing processes, or ones that fortify pre-existing divides, are a dime a dozen in education. Standardized testing, creating honors and AP tracks, and grouping students based on perceived ability…

TikTok-parent ByteDance Launches Its First Gadget, a Smart Lamp With Camera and Display

ByteDance on Thursday unveiled its first consumer hardware product, a smart light lamp with a display and camera, that it says is part of its education technology portfolio as the Chinese internet giant continues to expand to categories beyond social video. From a report: The Dali smart lamp features a display, camera, and a built-in digital assistant. The Dali smart lamp,…

How to Prepare for Job Interviews

Download this guide in PDF format This guide is designed to help you effectively prepare for your first conversation with a recruiter, hiring manager, or non-technical team member. You can use this guide whether you’re new to interviewing, haven’t interviewed in a long time, or just want to refresh your interviewing skills. We’ll discuss some […]
The post How to Prepare for…

T-Mobile’s Project 10Million Aims To End the Homework Gap

As schools start around the US, many face a problem with getting all their students connected for virtual classes. To help with that crisis, T-Mobile has launched its grant program that aims to eliminate the so-called homework gap. From a report: Unveiled a year ago, Project 10Million will provide hotspots and free connectivity for millions of students around the country. Now…

Predicting a Post-Pandemic Future: Remote Working and Distance Learning?

This week Politico published predictions from 34 “big thinkers” about what the future will be like after the coronavirus pandemic. (An associate professor of government and politics at the University of Maryland argues that “The Reagan era is over. The widely accepted idea that government is inherently bad won’t persist after coronavirus.”) Others predict a future with voting from mobile devices…

Explore the universe from home

Explore NASA’s online activities, e-books, podcasts and other content. Source:…

8 Tips for Effective Online Learning

By Linlin Xia, Teaching and Learning Team, Coursera Taking an online course for the first time? As a member of Coursera’s Teaching and Learning team, I’ve had the privilege to work with hundreds of educators to bring their courses to more than 48 million people around the world. Based on research and best practices from […]
The post 8 Tips for Effective…

College Students Say Ditching Their Smartphones For a Week Changed Their Lives

“They survived!” reports a local CBS news station, revisiting nearly two dozen students at Adelphi University who went a full week without their cell phones. schwit1 shares their report:
It was part of a college course intended to break the powerful addiction of smartphones… an Adelphi University course called “Life Unplugged” where students did the unthinkable one week ago — handed over…

Should Parents Support Teens Who Want To Become Professional Gamers?

A family physician warned about a new problem this week in the New York Times: As a family doctor, I often hear from parents about how their kids push back at any attempt to limit how much time they spend playing video games. The parents will say, it’s after midnight, maybe it’s time to turn off the video game and get…