Plans to save species from extinction are ignoring climate change

Climate change is a threat to almost all the animals officially regarded as endangered in the US, but conservation plans don’t take this into account Source:…

Drill music with positive lyrics is more popular than negative songs

An analysis of drill music, a form of hip hop controversially linked to gang violence by UK police, on YouTube has found that positive songs are more popular Source:…

Amazon deforestation officially hits highest level in a decade

The loss of nearly 10,000 square kilometres of forest in the Amazon between August 2018 to July 2019 is the first official confirmation that deforestation has soared since Jair Bolsnaro came to power Source:…

UK’s Labor Party Promises Free Fiber Broadband For All, Paid For By Taxing Tech Companies

Only 7% of the U.K. has access to full-fiber broadband, according to the country’s telecommunications regulator. But now long-time Slashdot reader AmiMoJo writes: With a General Election next month the UK’s Labour Party has promised to give every home and business in the UK free full-fibre broadband by 2030. The party would nationalise OpenReach, which owns the existing copper network, to…

We finally know the odds of winning a game of solitaire

What are the chances of winning a game of solitaire? It was once called an “embarrassment” of mathematics that we didn’t know, but a computer has now found the answer Source:…

Batteries as transparent as glass could power devices in your home

A transparent battery could be used instead of glass for windows. It still has a low output, but could eventually boost energy storage in smart glasses or cars Source:…

Zero gravity made some astronauts’ blood flow backwards

Spending time in zero gravity can reverse the flow of a person’s blood and lead to clots, as seen in astronauts who spent months on the International Space Station Source:…

Low gravity in space made some astronauts’ blood flow backwards

Spending time in microgravity can reverse the flow of a person’s blood and lead to clots, as seen in astronauts who spent months on the International Space Station Source:…

Eating a keto diet may give some protection against the flu

Giving mice a diet with lots of fat and few carbohydrates seemed to boost certain immune cells, which protected them from the flu Source:…

Long-term smokers who start vaping see health benefits within a month

Regular smokers who switch to e-cigarettes saw improved vascular health, potentially reducing the risk of heart attacks Source:…