Canceled Dyson Electric Car Would’ve Had a 600-Mile Range Per Charge

Remember that electric car project that Dyson finally cancelled in October? It would’ve had a top speed of 125 miles per hour, going from 0 to 60 in 4.8 seconds, and “would have been able to go 600 miles on a single charge,” reports Digital Trends, citing Sir Dyson’s new interview with the Sunday Times: In comparison, Tesla’s Model S is…

MIT Develops a Way To Use Wireless Signals From In-Home Appliances To Better Understand Your Health

[R]esearchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) have developed a new system (PDF) that can figure out when and where in-home appliances like hair dryers, stoves, microwaves and washing machines are being used, and they believe that info could help inform healthcare practitioners about the habits and challenges of people under their care. TechCrunch reports: The researchers devised…

Was 2007 the ‘Golden Age of Open Source’?

Just a few months ago, the editor of the recently-departed Linux Journal wrote that in many ways the golden age of Linux and FOSS was 2007. “Linux was now mainstream in corporate IT, and it was much rarer to meet much resistance when you wanted to set up Linux servers, unless your company was a 100% Windows shop… FOSS companies were…