Curious Tales of Mysterious Scottish Water Spirits

When people think of Scotland and strange things in the water, they are likely going to envision the famous Loch Ness Monster of Loch Ness. This is the common image of strange aquatic anomalies in the country, and it has been a mainstay of the world of the paranormal for a very long time. Yet,… Read more » Source:…

The Mysterious Tale of Anastasia

Throughout history there have been histroical people who have passed into mystery only for their identities to be claimed by various impostors. One of the most famous cases of this of all is that of the Russian Grand Duchess Anastasia, once the daughter of a famous Russian czar. Hers is a story of tragedy, upheaval,… Continue reading The Mysterious Tale of Anastasia

The Amazing Tale of the Night Witches of WWII

Imagine for a moment you are a German soldier in the desolate battlefields of World War II. It has been a quiet night so far, and it is almost enough to lull you into a false sense of safety, enough to make you almost forget that there is a war going on out there at… Continue reading The Amazing Tale of the Night Witches of WWII

Strange Cases of Famous Mysteriously Vanished Explorers

We as a species have always yearned to tame our planet, to understand it and discover its secrets. Since the dawn of mankind we have looked over the horizon and wondered what lie beyond it, and been infused with the desire to penetrate out into the uncharted wildernesses of the world to find out. We… Continue reading Strange Cases of Famous Mysteriously Vanished Explorers

The Mysterious Cursing Psalms of the Bible

Throughout history there have always been curses against those who have wronged us. These have variously been powered by magic, enchanted items, dark texts, and sinister forces. Yet it would seem that a very good way to curse someone quite badly would be to simply flip through a copy of the Bible. This may seem… Continue reading The Mysterious Cursing Psalms of the Bible