Sleep is your superpower | Matt Walker

Sleep is your life-support system and Mother Nature’s best effort yet at immortality, says sleep scientist Matt Walker. In this deep dive into the science of slumber, Walker shares the wonderfully good things that happen when you get sleep — and the alarmingly bad things that happen when you don’t, for both your brain and body. Learn more about sleep’s…

How your brain’s executive function works — and how to improve it | Sabine Doebel

You use your brain’s executive function every day — it’s how you do things like pay attention, plan ahead and control impulses. Can you improve it to change for the better? With highlights from her research on child development, cognitive scientist Sabine Doebel explores the factors that affect executive function — and how you can use it to break bad…

How to revive your belief in democracy | Eric Liu

Civic evangelist Eric Liu shares a powerful way to rekindle the spirit of citizenship and the belief that democracy still works. Join him for a trip to “Civic Saturday” and learn more about how making civic engagement a weekly habit can help build communities based on shared values and a path to belonging. Source:…

How to recover from activism burnout | Yana Buhrer Tavanier

When you’re feeling burned out as an activist, what’s the best way to bounce back? TED Senior Fellow Yana Buhrer Tavanier explores the power of “playtivism” — the incorporation of play and creativity into movements for social change. See how this versatile approach can spark new ideas, propel action and melt fear. Source:…

Earning Your Degree Doesn’t Mean Putting Your Life On Hold

Online degrees give everyone a chance at a high-quality education that fits their lifestyle Programs such as the University of Illinois iMBA, delivered entirely online through Coursera, give students from all walks of life the opportunity to earn a graduate degree at their own pace and at lower cost. Patricia Ribiero Peña is a new […]
The post Earning Your Degree Doesn’t…

Helping others makes us happier — but it matters how we do it | Elizabeth Dunn

Research shows that helping others makes us happier. But in her groundbreaking work on generosity and joy, social psychologist Elizabeth Dunn found that there’s a catch: it matters how we help. Learn how we can make a greater impact — and boost our own happiness along the way — if we make one key shift in how we help others….

The surprising connection between brain injuries and crime | Kim Gorgens

Here’s a shocking statistic: 50 to 80 percent of people in the criminal justice system in the US have had a traumatic brain injury. In the general public, that number is less than five percent. Neuropsychologist Kim Gorgens shares her research into the connection between brain trauma and the behaviors that keep people in the revolving door of criminal justice…

How generational stereotypes hold us back at work | Leah Georges

The Silent Generation, baby boomers, Generation X, millennials, Gen Z — we’re all in the workforce together. How are our assumptions about each other holding us back from working and communicating better? Social psychologist Leah Georges shows how we’re more similar than different and offers helpful tactics for navigating the multigenerational workplace. Source:…

Can we cure genetic diseases by rewriting DNA? | David R. Liu

In a story of scientific discovery, chemical biologist David R. Liu shares a breakthrough: his lab’s development of base editors that can rewrite DNA. This crucial step in genome editing takes the promise of CRISPR to the next level: if CRISPR proteins are molecular scissors, programmed to cut specific DNA sequences, then base editors are pencils, capable of directly rewriting…

A personal air-quality tracker that lets you know what you’re breathing | Romain Lacombe

How often do you think about the air you’re breathing? Probably not enough, says entrepreneur and TED Fellow Romain Lacombe. He introduces Flow: a personal air-quality tracker that fits in your hand and monitors pollution levels in real time. See how this device could help you track and understand pollution street by street, hour by hour — and empower you…