Ink made of air pollution | Anirudh Sharma

What if we could capture pollution in the air around us and turn it into something useful? Inventor Anirudh Sharma shares how he created AIR-INK, a deep black ink that’s made from PM 2.5 pollution. See how he hacked together a clever way to capture these tiny particles — and make the world just a little bit cleaner in the process….

What your breath could reveal about your health | Julian Burschka

There’s no better way to stop a disease than to catch and treat it early, before symptoms occur. That’s the whole point of medical screening techniques like radiography, MRIs and blood tests. But there’s one medium with overlooked potential for medical analysis: your breath. Technologist Julian Burschka shares the latest in the science of breath analysis — the screening of…

How we can help the “forgotten middle” reach their full potential | Danielle R. Moss

You know the “forgotten middle”: they’re the students, coworkers and regular people who are often overlooked because they’re seen as neither exceptional nor problematic. How can we empower them to reach their full potential? Sharing her work helping young people get to and through college, social activist Danielle R. Moss challenges us to think deeper about who deserves help and…

8 lessons on building a company people enjoy working for | Patty McCord

Most companies operate on a set of policies: mandated vacation days, travel guidelines, standard work hours, annual goals. But what happens when a company looks less to control and more to trust? Patty McCord, the iconic former chief talent officer at Netflix, shares the key insights that led her to toss the handbook out the window. Source:…

How to make applying for jobs less painful | Priyanka Jain

Finding a job used to start with submitting your résumé to a million listings and never hearing back from most of them. But more and more companies are using tech-forward methods to identify candidates. If AI is the future of hiring, what does that mean for you? Technologist Priyanka Jain gives a look at this new hiring landscape. Source:…

Why working from home is good for business | Matt Mullenweg

As the popularity of remote working continues to spread, workers today can collaborate across cities, countries and even multiple time zones. How does this change office dynamics? And how can we make sure that all employees, both at headquarters and at home, feel connected? Matt Mullenweg, cofounder of Wordpress and CEO of Automattic (which has a 100 percent distributed workforce),…

3 psychological tricks to help you save money | Wendy De La Rosa

We all want to save more money — but overall, people today are doing less and less of it. Behavioral scientist Wendy De La Rosa studies how everyday people make decisions to improve their financial well-being. What she’s found can help you painlessly make the commitment to save more and spend less. Source:…

This is what makes employees happy at work | Michael C. Bush

There are three billion working people on this planet, and only 40 percent of them report being happy at work. Michael C. Bush shares his insights into what makes workers unhappy — and how companies can benefit their bottom lines by fostering satisfaction. Source:…