Why the FBI requires advanced forensic accounting training

When you think about the FBI, you might imagine stereotypical “feds” from movies busting down doors and arresting dangerous mobsters. You might also imagine agents infiltrating terrorist organizations in daring undercover operations. One thing that might not come to mind: accountants! In truth, accountants with specialized expertise have played a central role in the FBI’s […]
The post Why the FBI requires…

How to Avoid Spiritual Egotism and Practice Humbleness

Spirituality could be defined as the practice of bringing one’s ego under control. Many paths instruct adherents to become egoless and to cultivate an attitude of selflessness. “Enlightened” individuals are beings who have transcended the ego and are living in a state of expansive love for all beings. As people progress along the path of […] Source: https://www.patheos.com/blogs/ilchilee/2018/09/26/how-to-avoid-spiritual-egotism-and-practice-humbleness/…