E-Scooters Should Be Legalized, Says UK Transport Committee

E-scooters should be legalized on roads but riding on pavements should be prohibited, the United Kingdom’s Transport Committee of MPs said. The BBC reports: Currently, privately-owned e-scooters are banned to use in the UK anywhere except on private land. The committee argues the vehicles, which usually travel 9-15mph, could offer a green alternative to the car. Official trials of rented e-scooters…

Shock-Dissipating Fractal Cubes Could Forge High-Tech Armor

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Phys.Org: Tiny, 3-D printed cubes of plastic, with intricate fractal voids built into them, have proven to be effective at dissipating shockwaves, potentially leading to new types of lightweight armor and structural materials effective against explosions and impacts. “The goal of the work is to manipulate the wave interactions resulting from a shockwave,” said…

These Lego ‘Star Wars’ helmets are perfect for your Dark Side life

It’s time to suit up for “Star Wars Day” — that annual May the Fourth (be with you) fan celebration that happens on Monday (May 4). Lego has three new helmet sets to help you get in the mood. Source: https://www.livescience.com/lego-star-wars-helmet-sets.html

Hospitals Turn To Crowdsourcing and 3D Printing Amid Equipment Shortages

With medical supplies strained by the coronavirus outbreak, health care professionals and technologists are coming together online to crowdsource repairs and supplies of critical hospital equipment. From a report: Doctors, hospital technicians and 3D-printing specialists are also using Google Docs, WhatsApp groups and online databases to trade tips for building, fixing and modifying machines like ventilators to help treat the rising…

New Supercar Technology Does Away With Windshields

The Wall Street Journal reports on a new technology being developed by McLaren Technology Centre for its “Elva,” a multi-million dollar, 804-horsepower two-seat roadster. It doesn’t have a windshield… In place of a windscreen, Elva will debut a technology called Active Air Management System (AAMS). When engaged, it generates two air flows streaming over the cockpit: One glances off the low,…

Seattle’s Patient Zero Spread Coronavirus Despite Ebola-Style Lockdown

First known U.S. case offers lessons in how and how not to fight the outbreak. From a report: The man who would become Patient Zero for the new coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. appeared to do everything right. He arrived Jan. 19 at an urgent-care clinic in a suburb north of Seattle with a slightly elevated temperature and a cough he’d…

Bizarre ‘Big Tech’/Matrix Cartoon Used to Mock San Francisco’s Football Team

The social media team for a Minnesota football team playing against San Francisco’s 49ers just incorporated “big tech” into its online trash talk, reports the San Francisco Chronicle’s SFGate site. They call the resulting video “incredibly weird.” The video in question depicts a time-lapse of [San Francisco’s] Levi’s stadium with two cartoon characters in the foreground that are basically team helmets…

Amazon Sees Alexa Devices More Than Double in Just One Year

It took Amazon four years to populate the world with 100 million Alexa-powered devices. It took the company just one more year to more than double that number. From a report: The e-commerce titan announced Monday that there are now “hundreds of millions of Alexa-enabled devices” in customers’ hands worldwide, a massive increase from the 100 million it announced last January….