Ford, 3M, GE and the UAW To Build Respirators, Ventilators and Face Shields For Coronavirus Fight

Ford announced today that it’s partnering with 3M and GE to build respirators, ventilators and face shields for front-line healthcare workers and COVID-19 patients. TechCrunch reports: Its efforts include building Powered Air-Purifying Respirators (PAPRs) with partner 3M, including a new design that employs existing parts from both partners to deliver effectiveness and highly scalable production capacity. Ford says that it’s also…

Facebook Will Donate 720,000 Masks and 1.5 Million Gloves to Healthcare Workers

The San Francisco Chronicle reports: Facebook plans to donate 720,000 masks — a combination of the coveted N95 respirators and more basic surgical masks — and 1.5 million pairs of gloves to health care workers around the world. Facebook officials said they bought the masks for their offices’ emergency disaster kits following wildfires in California. Facebook has already donated 375,000 masks…

Apple Donates Millions of Masks to Healthcare Pros in America and Europe

An anonymous reader quotes Engadget:
Hospitals in numerous countries are struggling to provide basic supplies to healthcare workers, and tech companies are pitching in to address the shortfall. Tim Cook has revealed that Apple is donating “millions” of masks to healthcare professionals in Europe and the U.S. Their article notes that Alibaba has also been donating masks, test kits, protective suits and…

Open-Source Project Spins Up 3D-Printed Ventilator Validation Prototype In Just One Week

An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: In a great example of what can happen when smart, technically-oriented people come together in a time of need, an open-source hardware project started by a group including Irish entrepreneur Colin Keogh and Breeze Automation CEO and co-founder Gui Calavanti has produced a prototype ventilator using 3D-printed parts and readily available, inexpensive material….