Why Prescription Drugs Cost So Much More in America

The US spends more per capita on medication than anywhere else in the world. It’s a key electoral issue. From a report on Financial Times (paywalled): All over the world, drugmakers are granted time-limited monopolies — in the form of patents — to encourage innovation. But America is one of the only countries that does not combine this carrot with the…

The Trillion-Dollar Taboo: Why It’s Time To Stop Ignoring Mental Health at Work

Experts in workplace psychology overwhelmingly agree that burnout is a growing public health crisis. An excerpt from a long report: When the FT set out to investigate this issue, we asked readers to describe how their employers handle mental health issues, including stress, burnout, anxiety and depression. More than 450 people responded from 43 countries. Although they were a self-selecting group,…

Imperial Researchers Model US Health Impacts of FDA Sodium Targets

Cardiovascular disease is one of the biggest public health challenges facing America today by any measure. It is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the U.S., resulting in 800,000 deaths and 6 million hospital admissions per year. Cardiovascular disease costs the economy $318 billion annually in healthcare costs and an additional $237 billion […]
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