Ask Slashdot: Why Is 3D Technology Stagnating So Badly?

dryriver writes: If you had asked someone doing 3D graphics seriously back in 2000 what 3D technology will look like two decades away in 2019, they might have said: “Most internet websites will have realtime 3D content embedded or will be completely in 3D. 3D Games will look as good as movies or reality. Everyone will have a cheap handheld 3D…

Neal Stephenson Says Social Media Is Close To A ‘Doomsday Machine’

PC Magazine interviewed Neal Stephenson about his new upcoming book Fall; Or, Dodge in Hell, as well as “the digital afterlife, and why social media is a doomsday machine.” [Possible spoilers ahead]: The hybrid sci-fi/fantasy novel begins in the present day with Richard “Dodge” Forthrast, an eccentric multibillionaire who made his fortune in the video game industry. When a freak accident…

Phones Can Now Tell Who Is Carrying Them From Their Users’ Gaits

PolygamousRanchKid shares an excerpt from a report via The Economist: Most online fraud involves identity theft, which is why businesses that operate on the web have a keen interest in distinguishing impersonators from genuine customers. Passwords help. But many can be guessed or are jotted down imprudently. Newer phones, tablets, and laptop and desktop computers often have beefed-up security with fingerprint…

Google Glass Gets a Surprise Upgrade and New Frames

Google just unveiled its newest version of Glass. It’s not made to be a widespread consumer product, but there are business users who will care. And the latest Glass Enterprise Edition 2, with key upgraded specs, shows where most smartglasses are at. From a report: You might remember Glass as a strange 2013 footnote, but Glass has stuck around: it became…

Lenovo Launches HoloLens Competitor

Lenovo is launching a new AR-and-VR system targeted at businesses. It’s called ThinkReality, and from the looks and description of the device and platform, it looks like a competitor for Microsoft’s HoloLens. Engadget reports: There are two parts to the new ThinkReality system — the AR headset and a software platform. The ThinkReality A6 is a comfortable 380-gram headset with two…

Directors are using virtual reality on set to find the perfect shot

Virtual reality headsets are letting film directors walk around computer generated scenes to find the perfect angle for a shot before recording Source:…