Chinese Scientist Who Edited Babies’ Genes Sentenced To Prison

The Chinese scientist who created the world’s first genetically altered babies has been sentenced to three years in prison and a lifelong ban from working in reproductive technology, state media reported on Monday. From a report: He Jiankui, a Shenzhen researcher who drew widespread condemnation when he revealed his experiment last year, will also have to pay a 3 million yuan…

Scientist behind world’s first gene-edited babies sentenced to prison

He Jiankui, the scientist who used CRISPR to create two gene-edited girls born in 2018, has been handed a three-year jail term by a court in Shenzen, China Source:…

Could CRISPR babies experiment have been made public earlier?

He Jiankui submitted his work to the journal Nature before it was made public, raising questions of whether journals have a responsibility to raise ethical issues Source:…

China Gene-Edited Baby Experiment ‘May Have Created Unintended Mutations’

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: The gene editing performed on Chinese twins to immunize them against HIV may have failed and created unintended mutations, scientists have said after the original research was made public for the first time. Excerpts from the manuscript were released by the MIT Technology Review to show how Chinese biophysicist He Jiankui ignored…

There Still Aren’t Any Rules Preventing Rogue Scientists From Making Gene-Edited Babies

Emily Mullin, writing for OneZero: Around this time last November, Chinese scientist He Jiankui stunned the world when he revealed the birth of the first known gene-edited babies. Working in relative secrecy, he had used CRISPR to modify human embryos in the lab and then established pregnancies with those embryos. Twin girls with edited genomes were born as a result. The…

A Third CRISPR Baby May Have Already Been Born in China

An anonymous reader shares a report: The Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing, held in Hong Kong last November, was meant to debate the pros and cons of genetically engineering humans. Instead, the proceedings were turned upside down by the revelation that He Jiankui, a Chinese biophysicist, had already done it. He’d gone ahead and edited the DNA of twin…

China’s CRISPR Babies Could Face Earlier Death

A new report finds that the CRISPR babies created by Chinese scientist He Jiankui last year may be at risk of an early death. It finds that genetic mutations similar to those He created, to a gene called CCR5, shortens people’s lives by an average of 1.9 years. MIT Technology Review reports: “It’s clearly a mutation of quite strong effect,” says…

Stanford Clears Professor of Helping With Gene-Edited Babies Experiment

Stephen Quake and two colleagues were found to have followed proper scientific protocol in their interactions with the Chinese researcher who did the work. Source:…

Gene-Edited Babies: What a Chinese Scientist Told an American Mentor

Stanford is investigating Stephen Quake’s interactions with He Jiankui, the scientist who performed the controversial experiment. Source:…