Google Stadia, Nvidia GeForce Now Support is Coming To LG’s 2021 TVs

Game streaming has been slowly growing in recent years with the launches of Nvidia’s GeForce Now, Google’s Stadia, Microsoft’s xCloud and Amazon’s Project Luna. This year, however, it looks to finally be picking up more steam. At CES 2021, LG announced that some of its 2021 TVs will support apps for playing games from Google Stadia and GeForce Now right on…

Sony TVs Get Brighter OLED, Cognitive Processing, Google TV Streaming in 2021

Sony is probably the most storied TV brand still standing and while it’s no longer a top 5 seller, it remains a powerhouse among high-end models — aka TVs that cost a lot of money. Its 2021 lineup of new sets, announced in advance of CES, includes lots of impressive technology and will likely cost a pretty penny too. From a…

Apple TV Now Plays YouTube Videos in 4K — With Limits

As promised, the Apple TV is finally starting to play YouTube videos in 4K — with caveats. From a report: Users on Reddit and elsewhere are starting to see YouTube 4K support enabled on the media hub when it’s using at least tvOS 14. However, you can only watch in Ultra HD at 30 frames per second, and without HDR. Don’t…

Netflix Will Only Stream In 4K To Macs That Have a T2 Security Chip

According to a Netflix support document, an Apple T2 Security chip is required to stream Netflix in 4K HDR on a Mac. “What that hardware requirement means is that only recent Macs have the ability to play UHD content from Netflix,” reports Engadget. From the report: Here’s the full list of T2-equipped Macs: 2018 or later MacBook Pro, 2018 or later…

OnePlus is Bogging Its Phones Down With Unremovable Facebook Bloatware

An anonymous reader shares a report: Remember back in the early days of the smartphone when carriers would install all kinds of bloatware on devices sold through their channels? For the most part, this practice has kind of stopped, or at least it isn’t as bad as it once was, but unfortunately it looks like OnePlus users have to grapple with…

USB 4 Will Fully Support DisplayPort 2, Including 8K HDR Monitors

VESA has announced that USB 4 will fully support the massive bandwidth available for the DisplayPort 2.0 standard, including support for 8K 60Hz HDR or even 16K 60Hz monitors. Engadget reports: Since USB 4 works at 40Gbps and DisplayPort 2.0 supports 80Gbps speeds, how will this work? USB 4 can actually send and receive at 40Gbps at the same time, so…

Why the Super Bowl Is Being Broadcast In Fake 4K

Today Fox will broadcast the Super Bowl in 4K and HDR, reports Gizmodo’s senior consumer tech editor. But “the 4K is fake 4K, and, according to Digital Trend’s interview with one of the men producing the Bowl, there’s a good reason for that…” The reason is that 4K is still really, really data intensive. A 4K video is often twice the…

Every Half-Life Game Is Now Free On Steam

With Half-Life: Alyx launching in March 2020, Valve is offering gamers the opportunity to play every Half-Life game on Steam for free. “This is basically a two-month-long trial; you won’t get to keep these games,” notes The Verge. “Every game is compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS (though all of these games are 32-bit apps, which means they don’t work on…

‘Don’t Buy an 8K TV’

Anyone paying attention to the news coming out of CES this week has probably noticed that 8K TVs seem to be the next big thing. The science says your mortal eyes can barely tell the difference between 4K, however. From a report: Samsung announced one that’s almost bezel-less. LG boasted a total of eight new 8K TVs. Meanwhile, there are two…

Google Built Its Own Tiny HDMI 2.1 Box To Jump-Start ‘the Next Generation of Android TV’

Google today announced that Android 10 is arriving on Android TV, and it’s about as bland of an update as they come. From a report: Primarily, it’s just the performance and security benefits of Android 10, without a single new user-facing feature. But at the bottom of Google’s blog post, the company hints at why: Google’s busy prepping for the “next-generation…