A Haunted Mountain in the Appalachians

Located in the Southeastern United States, standing within the ancient Appalachian Mountains along the border between North Carolina and Tennessee is the seemingly eternally cloud-capped Roan Mountain. Its long ridge line soars to 6,285 feet into the sky, contains five separate mountain peaks, and is a vast expanse of untouched, dense wilderness, holding within it… Continue reading A Haunted Mountain in the Appalachians

The Haunted Witch’s Murder Mansion of Virginia

Lying out in the dim woods near Charlottesville, Virginia, at the end of a meandering dirt road winding under arches of ancient looking gnarled trees is a stately old house that is one of the oldest in the area. The land was originally acquired in 1724 by a Major Thomas Carr, better known as the… Continue reading The Haunted Witch’s Murder Mansion of Virginia