‘How I Compiled My Own SPARC CPU In a Cheap FPGA Board’

Long-time Slashdot reader ttsiod works for the European Space Agency as an embedded software engineer. He writes: After reading an interesting article from an NVIDIA engineer about how he used a dirt-cheap field-programmable gate array board to code a real-time ray-tracer, I got my hands on the same board — and “compiled” a dual-core SPARC-compatible CPU inside it… Basically, the same…

How to Grow Garlic at Home

Want to know how to grow garlic at home? If you’re in need some tips on growing garlic then you’ve come to the right place! How to Grow Garlic at Home You know what time of year it is? Garlic planting time! So, go get a shovel and start plantin’ away!   Where to Plant…Continue Reading
The post How to Grow Garlic…

Legit-Looking iPhone Lightning Cables That Hack You Will Be Mass Produced and Sold

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Motherboard: Soon it may be easier to get your hands on a cable that looks just like a legitimate Apple lightning cable, but which actually lets you remotely take over a computer. The security researcher behind the recently developed tool announced over the weekend that the cable has been successfully made in a factory….

Two Years Later, Hackers Are Still Breaching Local Government Payment Portals

Two years after hackers first started targeting local government payment portals, attacks are still going on, with eight cities having had their Click2Gov payment portals compromised in the last month alone, security researchers from Gemini Advisory have revealed in a report shared with ZDNet today. From the news report: These new hacks have allowed hackers to get their hands on over…

Have Flagship Smartphone Prices Peaked?

Analyst Ben Wood, writing for research firm CCS Insight: Smartphone makers have been testing the economic rule of supply and demand for the past decade, seemingly defying conventional wisdom in consumer electronics products by raising prices. Greater utility and the constant of use smartphones combined to grow the value of devices to customers. But it seems that top phone-makers are learning…

IOS 13 Lock Screen Lets Anyone See Your Address Book

Slashdot reader dryriver writes: A security researcher discovered that if you get your hands on someone else’s iThing running iOS 13, and place a phone call to it, you can choose to respond with a TXT message, and get to see the contents of the address book on the iThing without actually getting past the lock screen… The security researcher who…

How Sandra went from managing a restaurant to managing IT

My name is Sandra and I completed the Google IT Support Professional Certificate Program on Coursera. Prior to completing the Professional Certificate program, I was a restaurant manager. Now I’m an IT Consultant at a great company in Virginia.  I have never worked in the IT field before but my interest for IT began at […]
The post How Sandra went from…

What Bill Gates Wishes More People Knew About Paul Allen

Microsoft’s original co-founder Paul Allen was honored posthumously with a lifetime achievement award for philanthropy this week at the Forbes Philanthropy summit. Bill Gates remembers Allen as “one of the most intellectually curious people I’ve ever known,” adding “I wish more people understood just how wide-ranging his giving was,” and shared his remembrances at the ceremony: Later in life, Paul gave…

Cellebrite Says It Can Unlock Any iPhone For Cops

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Wired: On Friday afternoon, the Israeli forensics firm and law enforcement contractor Cellebrite publicly announced a new version of its product known as a Universal Forensic Extraction Device or UFED, one that it’s calling UFED Premium. In marketing that update, it says that the tool can now unlock any iOS device cops can lay…

Want Someone’s Personal Data? Give Them a Free Donut

Technology services provider Probrand has carried out a study at a cyber expo attended by UK security professionals, where attendees voluntarily shared sensitive data including their name, date of birth and favourite football team — all to get their hands on a free donut. From a report: “We wanted to put this theory to the test and see just how willing…