Giant iceberg breaks off Brunt Ice Shelf in Antarctica

A giant iceberg, about twice the size of Chicago, broke off from Antartica’s Brunt Ice Shelf in late February 2021. Source:…

Will iceberg twice the size of NYC break off Antarctica this year?

A crack on the Antarctic ice shelf grew dramatically in late 2020 into 2021. Scientists are watching to see if the rapidly accelerating crack will cause the shelf to rip apart before Antarctica’s sunlit summer season – going on now – comes to an end. Source:…

A Few Trick-or-Treaters in Canada Receive a Surprising Treat: Bitcoin

Cointelegraph reports: While many children dressed as ghosts, goblins, and witches last night may have been disappointed to find an inedible thin piece of cardboard left out in a goodie bag, a lucky few recognized the treat as a Bitcoin prize. According to an October 31 tweet from Brad Mills, the crypto user filled a Halloween candy box with more than…

Hubble telescope spots a ‘Greater Pumpkin’ in space for Halloween

As families tuck into their couches to watch Charlie Brown’s quest for the great pumpkin this Halloween, they may be surprised to hear that NASA has already discovered a “greater pumpkin.” Source:

The scariest things in the universe are black holes—and here are three reasons

Halloween is a time to be haunted by ghosts, goblins and ghouls, but nothing in the universe is scarier than a black hole. Source:…

Blue Moon and red Mars on Halloween

The full moon of October 31, 2020 is the second full moon of a calendar month and therefore carries the name Blue Moon. It’s also the smallest full moon of 2020. And it’s near red Mars! Watch for it. Source:…

Here are 3 amazing feats of spiders

Halloween time is spider time. Three amazing spider skills you might not have known about. Source:…

Humans Have Been Living In Space For 20 Years Straight

Since 2000, there have always been humans living and working on the International Space Station — and the streak could just be getting started. National Geographic reports: On Halloween in the year 2000, a Russian Soyuz rocket launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan and flew into the history books, carrying one U.S. astronaut and two Russian cosmonauts to the nascent…