Facebook Content Moderators Break NDAs To Expose Shocking Working Conditions

Three former Facebook content moderators agreed to put themselves in legal jeopardy to expose the appalling working conditions they experienced while employed by a vendor for the tech giant, according to a new report by The Verge. From a report: Workers reported a dirty office environment where they often find pubic hair and bodily waste around their desks. Conditions at the…

NASA Will Carry Your Name On a Chip To Mars

NASA will etch your name onto a silicon chip that will be carried to Mars by a rover in 2020: An anonymous reader quotes the Verge:
The rover’s primary mission is to get us closer to answering that fundamental question: did Mars ever host alien life? The robot is equipped with tools and instruments that will help scientists figure out if the…

Send your name to Mars

Want to send your name to Mars on NASA’s next rover mission in 2020? You’ll get your name etched on a microchip affixed to the rover – and a souvenir boarding pass. Here’s how. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/send-your-name-to-mars-mission-2020…

Russia’s Anti-5G Propaganda Campaign Is Spreading Across Social Media

An anonymous reader quotes Fierce Wireless:
Earlier this week, the New York Times published a story with the headline “Your 5G Phone Won’t Hurt You. But Russia Wants You to Think Otherwise.” [Non-paywalled MSN version here.] The story outlined how RT, the Russia-backed and U.S.-based television network, has been peddling 5G cancer fear-mongering stories, making claims that 5G causes brain cancer, infertility,…

Researchers find water in samples from asteroid

Researchers have discovered water in tiny dust particles from asteroid Itokawa. Japan’s Hayabusa spacecraft brought the asteroid dust to Earth in 2010. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/researchers-find-water-samples-asteroid-itokawa…

Amazing AI Generates Entire Bodies of People Who Don’t Exist

A new deep learning algorithm can generate high-resolution, photorealistic images of people — faces, hair, outfits, and all — from scratch. From a report: The AI-generated models are the most realistic we’ve encountered, and the tech will soon be licensed out to clothing companies and advertising agencies interested in whipping up photogenic models without paying for lights or a catering budget….

Inside the haunted doll markets of eBay and Etsy

Source: https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/5/3/18525659/haunted-doll-buy-ebay-etsy-annabelle-childs-play…