Hackers Release a New Jailbreak Tool For Almost Every iPhone

An iPhone hacking team has released a new jailbreak tool for almost every iPhone, including the most recent models, by using the same vulnerability that Apple last month said was under active attack by hackers. TechCrunch reports: The Unc0ver team released its latest jailbreak this weekend, and says it works on iOS 11 (iPhone 5s and later) to iOS 14.3, which…

‘World’s Most Wanted Man’ Involveld In Bizarre Attempt To Buy Hacking Tools

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Motherboard: The fugitive executive of the embattled payment startup Wirecard was mentioned in a brazen and bizarre attempt to purchase hacking tools and surveillance technology from an Italian company in 2013, an investigation by Motherboard and the German weekly Der Spiegel found. Jan Marsalek, a 40-year-old Austrian who until recently was the chief operating…

Newly-Released Jailbreak Tool Can Unlock Every iPhone and iPad

An anonymous reader quotes TechCrunch: A renowned iPhone hacking team has released a new “jailbreak” tool that unlocks every iPhone, even the most recent models running the latest iOS 13.5. [9to5Mac points out it also works on iPads.] For as long as Apple has kept up its “walled garden” approach to iPhones by only allowing apps and customizations that it approves,…

Building China’s Comac C919 Airplane Involved a Lot of Hacking, Report Says

A report published today shines a light on one of China’s most ambitious hacking operations known to date, one that involved Ministry of State Security officers, the country’s underground hacking scene, legitimate security researchers, and insiders at companies all over the world. From a report: The aim of this hacking operation was to acquire intellectual property to narrow China’s technological gap…