Does Linux Have a Marketing Problem?

On Hackaday’s hosting site, an electrical engineer with a background in semiconductor physics argues that Linux’s small market share is due to a lack of marketing: Not only does [Linux] have dominance when raw computing ability is needed, either in a supercomputer or a webserver, but it must have some ability to effectively work as a personal computer as well,…

Electric Dump Truck Produces More Energy Than It Uses

The Elektro eDumper dump truck is being put to work at a mine in Switzerland where it’s able to produce more power than it consumes. “The dump truck drives up a mountain with no load, and carries double the weight back down the mountain after getting loaded up with lime and marl to deliver to a cement plant,” reports Hackaday. “Since…

Tesla Owner Implants RFID Chip From Her Model 3’s Keycard Into Her Arm

A Tesla driver figured out a way to implant the RFID tag from her Model 3’s keycard into her forearm. Now, all she needs to do to unlock and turn on her car is to hold her forearm near the console — no physical key fob or smartphone required. The Verge reports: Amie DD is a software engineer and self-described “maker…

C++20 Is Feature Complete

Long-time Slashdot reader mejustme shared this report from Hackaday: If you have an opinion about C++, chances are you either love it for its extensiveness and versatility, or you hate it for its bloated complexity and would rather stick to alternative languages on both sides of the spectrum. Either way, here’s your chance to form a new opinion about the language….