Machine mind hack: The new threat that could scupper the AI revolution

Even tiny tweaks to data can confuse AI algorithms, potentially arming cyber attackers with a way to undermine everything from image recognition to driverless cars Source:…

The Seth Rich conspiracy theory needs to end now


The best defense of Trump is still a damning indictment


3 winners and 3 losers from the Mueller report


There’s A Lot We Still Don’t Know About WikiLeaks’ Role In The 2016 Election

The Mueller report leaves some unanswered questions on Julian Assange and WikiLeaks’s role in the hack and leak against the DNC and John Podesta. Source:…

Major Vulnerability Potentially Impacted 150 Million Smartphone Users Worldwide

Researchers have discovered multiple vulnerabilities in a pre-installed app on phones made by one of the world’s biggest smartphone vendors that potentially impacted the privacy and security of more than 150 million Android users worldwide. According to security researchers at Check Point Research, the vulnerabilities were found in an app pre-installed on smartphones made by… Continue reading Major Vulnerability Potentially Impacted 150 Million Smartphone Users Worldwide