AI Site Claims Simulated Conversations With Famous Dead Scientists

Slashdot reader shirappu writes: AI|Writer is an experiment in which artificial intelligence is used to simulate both real and fictitious famous personalities through written correspondence. Users can ask questions and receive explanations from simulated versions of Isaac Newton, Alfred Hitchcock, Marie Curie, Mary Shelley, and many more. The Next Web calls it “a new experiment by magician and novelist Andrew Mayne,”…

The Invisible Man: How science can really make things invisible

A new movie reimagines H.G. Wells’s novel The Invisible Man. We still can’t make people invisible, but it is possible to make tiny objects completely disappear Source:…

The Invisible Man review: How science really can make things invisible

A new movie reimagines H.G. Wells’s novel The Invisible Man. We still can’t make people invisible, but it is possible to make tiny objects completely disappear Source:…