Russian Trolls Now Just Push Divisive Content Created By Others

“Americans don’t need Russia’s polarizing influence operations. They are plenty good enough at dividing themselves,” writes the Atlantic’s national security reporter, arguing that “the new face of Russian propaganda” is just a carefully-curated selection of inflammatory content made by Americans themselves. Citing the Mueller investigation, the article notes the irony that America’s two front-runners for the presidency are now “both candidates…

3D-Printed Guns Are Back, and This Time They Are Unstoppable

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Wired: A new network of 3D-printed gun advocates is growing in America — and this time things are different. Unlike previous attempts to popularize 3D-printed guns, this operation is entirely decentralized. There’s no headquarters, no trademarks, and no real leader. The people behind it reckon that this means they can’t be stopped by governments….

20 years after Columbine, the guns are still the problem


They survived Columbine. Then came Sandy Hook. And Parkland.


Sandy Hook Families Want to Hobble the Gun Industry With Tactics From Tobacco Litigation

Experts have compared the case to litigation brought against the tobacco industry, which uncovered wrongdoing and reshaped public sentiment. Source:

Christchurch Messages on Facebook Lead to Charge of Lying to F.B.I.

White supremacists discussed an American re-enactment of the mosque attacks, a criminal complaint says. Source:

Gun Control Group’s Report Card on U.S. Banks’ Firearms Ties Has Several Fs

Guns Down America graded 15 large consumer banks on their commitment to gun safety and their relationships to the gun industry. Source:

The N.R.A.’s Strength Is Being Tested by a New Domestic Violence Act Provision

The National Rifle Association is trying to defeat a provision in the new Violence Against Women Act that could deny firearms to abusive boyfriends. But Congress is changing. Source: