New York State Lawmakers Agree To Pass a Sweeping Climate Plan

New York lawmakers have agreed to pass a sweeping climate plan that could help the state achieve a net-zero economy in which all energy is drawn from carbon-free sources by 2050. “The bill would require New York to get 70 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030, and by 2050, the state would have to cut emissions by at…

Siemens Gamesa Unveils World First Electrothermal Energy Storage System

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CleanTechnica: Spanish renewable energy giant and offshore wind energy leader Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy last week inaugurated operations of its electrothermal energy storage system which can store up to 130 megawatt-hours of electricity for a week in volcanic rock. The newly-opened electric thermal energy storage system is billed by Siemens Gamesa as “The Future…

America Planted Malware In Russia’s Power Grid, Says NYT

“The U.S. military’s Cyber Command has gotten more aggressive than ever against Russia in the past year, placing ‘potentially crippling malware’ in systems that control the country’s electrical grid,” according to CNET, citing a report in the New York Times: Made possible by little-noticed legal authority granted last summer by Congress, Cyber Command’s strategy shift from a defensive to offensive posture…

Massive Electrical Failure Cuts Power To Nearly All Of Argentina On Election Day — and Uruguay

Iwastheone quotes the BBC: A massive electrical failure has left almost all of Argentina and Uruguay without power, according to a major Argentine electricity provider. Authorities say the cause of the blackout is still unclear. Argentine media said the power cut occurred shortly after 07:00 [03:00 PST, 11:00 BST], causing trains to be halted and failures with traffic signalling. It came…

There Are About 5.3 Billion People on Earth Aged Over 15. Of These, Around 5 Billion Have a Mobile Phone.

Benedict Evans: There are about 5.3bn people on earth aged over 15. Of these, around 5bn have a mobile phone. This is an estimate: I’m going with the GSMA’s but most others are in the same range. The data challenge is that mobile operators collectively know how many people have a SIM card, but a lot of people have more than…

Nuke Retirements Could Lead To 4 Billion Metric Tons of Extra CO2 Emissions, Says IEA

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: A report released today by the International Energy Agency (IEA) warns world leaders that — without support for new nuclear power or lifetime extensions for existing nuclear power plants — the world’s climate goals are at risk. “The lack of further lifetime extensions of existing nuclear plants and new projects could result…

It’s time for Manhattanhenge in NYC

Each year around May 29 and 30 – and again in early July – New Yorkers watch for Manhattanhenge, an alignment of the sunset along city streets. Fun! Source:…

A ‘Cyber Event’ Disrupted the Power Grid in California and Wyoming, But Don’t Panic Just Yet

The Department of Energy says a “cyber event” disrupted operations in California, Wyoming, and Utah last month. But it’s unclear if hackers were behind it. Source:…

‘Cyber Event’ Disrupted US Grid Networks

A “cyber event” interrupted grid operations in parts of the western United States last month, according to a cryptic report posted by the Department of Energy. From a report: The March 5 incident lasted from 9 a.m. until nearly 7 p.m. but didn’t lead to a power outage, based on a brief summary of the electric disturbance report filed by the…