Plastic Mulching: Save Garden From Weeds & Boost Harvest

Get a headstart on your garden with plastic mulching. Suppress weeds, conserve water, and boost crop production with this wonderful gardening solution. Plastic Mulching: Save Garden From Weeds & Boost Harvest Spring comes without fail every year, it is some many of us enjoy and can hardly wait for it to arrive. Spring is the…Continue Reading
The post Plastic Mulching: Save Garden…

The best of two worlds: Magnetism and Weyl semimetals

Imagine a world in which electricity could flow through the grid without any losses or where all the data in the world could be stored in the cloud without the need for power stations. This seems unimaginable but a path towards such a dream has opened with the discovery of a new family of materials with magical properties. …

Generator that runs on heat escaping to the sky can charge phones

A thermoelectric generator that produces off-grid electricity at night from heat radiating from the ground can power lights and phones in remote areas Source:…

Grow a Vertical Garden [Chapter7] Homestead Handbook

Grow a Vertical Garden and save space on your homestead. Follow these backyard gardening tips to start your very own vertical garden, and enjoy all the fresh vegetables it will produce in minimal space. You are reading Chapter 7 of our gardening series in The Homestead Handbook: How to Grow All The Food You Need In Your Own Backyard…Continue Reading
The post Grow a Vertical Garden…

How to Amend Clay Soil | The Homesteader’s Guide

Need to know how to amend clay soil? Don’t let tough clay soil get you down. Amending clay soil is easy. This Homesteader’s Guide will show you everything you need to know about clay soil, plants for clay soil, and how to amend clay soil. How to Amend Clay Soil What is Clay Soil? As mentioned,…Continue Reading
The post How to Amend Clay…

Gas Plants Will Get Crushed By Wind, Solar By 2035, Study Says

According to a new study from the Rocky Mountain Institute, natural gas-fired power plants are on the path to being undercut themselves by renewable power and big batteries. Bloomberg reports: By 2035, it will be more expensive to run 90% of gas plants being proposed in the U.S. than it will be to build new wind and solar farms equipped with…

Spring Cyberattack on US Power Grid ‘Probably Just Some Script Kiddie’

The electric utility non-profit NERC has posted a “Lessons Learned” document detailing a March 5th incident that Environment & Energy News calls “a first-of-its-kind cyberattack on the U.S. grid”. While it didn’t cause any blackouts — it was at a “low-impact” control center — NERC is now warning power utilities to “have as few internet facing devices as possible” and to…

Tesla Battery Researcher Unveils New Cell That Could Last 1 Million Miles

Long-time Slashdot reader ClarkMills writes: Not just anybody but [lithium-ion battery pioneer] Jeff Dahn [et al.] released a paper detailing
cells that “should be able to power an electric vehicle for over 1.6 million kilometers (1 million miles) and last at least two decades in grid energy storage.” The new lithium-ion battery cell has a next-generation “single crystal” NMC cathode and a…

Fortify Your Homestead with A Living Fence

We want to teach you how to build a fence from something unexpected. Rather than some industrial-strength, bullet-proof material, we suggest something a little bit more natural – plants. An agricultural or living fence can be a prepper/homesteader’s best friend. A living fence is essentially a hedge fencing around your property, bunker or bug out location that creates…Continue Reading
The post Fortify Your Homestead with…

Solar Power Is Now As Inexpensive As Grid Electricity In China

An anonymous reader quotes a report from IEEE Spectrum: Solar power now costs the same as, or less than, electricity from the grid in many of China’s cities, a new study finds. This research may encourage broader adoption of industrial and commercial solar power there. Advances in solar technology have helped bring solar within reach of grid parity sooner than expected…