Flash Is About To Die, But Classic Flash Games Will Live On

Fast Company’s technology editor harrymcc writes:
After years of growing technical irrelevance and security concerns, the Flash browser plug-in will reach the end of the road on January 12 when Adobe blocks its ability to display content. The web will survive just fine. But there’s a huge library of old Flash games — some of them quirky, interesting, and worth preserving. Over…

Edward Snowden Urges Donations to the EFF

In October, Edward Snowden was granted permanent residency in Russia. A new web page by the EFF applauds his past activities as a U.S. whistleblower. “His revelations about secret surveillance programs opened the world’s eyes to a new level of government misconduct, and reinvigorated EFF’s continuing work in the courts and with lawmakers to end unlawful mass spying.” And then they…

How Google Docs Became the Social Media of the Resistance

An anonymous reader quotes a report from MIT Technology Review: In just the last week, Google Docs has emerged as a way to share everything from lists of books on racism to templates for letters to family members and representatives to lists of funds and resources that are accepting donations. Shared Google Docs that anyone can view and anyone can edit,…

Could Open-Source Medicine Prepare Us For The Next Pandemic?

“A new, Linux-like platform could transform the way medicine is developed — and energize the race against COVID-19,” reports Fast Company, while arguing that the old drug discovery system “was built to benefit shareholders, not patients.” Fast Company’s technology editor harrymcc writes:
Drug development in the U.S. has traditionally been cloistered and profit-motivated, which means that it has sometimes failed to tackle…

How Devs Can Help Beat the COVID-19 Pandemic

The state of New York hopes to “amplify” its response to COVID-19 by launching tech-driven products with top companies, and it’s looking for professional volunteers with experience in software development, hardware deployment/end-user support, and data science (as well as areas like product management, design, operations management). Meanwhile, IBM’s 2020 “Call for Code Global Challenge” is a virtual hackathon with a $200,000…

More essential coronavirus links: March 17-23

A roundup of information from physicians, scientists and journalists. Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/more-essential-coronavirus-links-march-17-23…

Today’s ‘Day Against DRM’ Protests Locks On Educational Materials

This year’s “International Day Against DRM” is highlighting user-disrespecting restrictions on educational materials. An anonymous reader quotes the Free Software Foundation’s Defective By Design site: The “Netflix of textbooks” model practiced by Pearson and similar publishers is a Trojan horse for education: requiring a constant Internet connection for “authentication” purposes, severely limiting the number of pages a student can read at…