How the Comics Industry Avoided a 2020 Implosion

While publishers and stores feared COVID-19 would be an extinction-level threat, the industry has proved more resilient than thought. From a report: In March, when COVID-19 hit the comic industry in earnest, many retailers and publishers feared it would be an apocalyptic event for the business. Stay-at-home orders shuttered stores, and shipments of new product ceased for several months when Diamond…

‘Unauthorized Bread’: A Tale of Jailbreaking Refugees Versus IoT Appliances

Science fiction writer, journalist and longtime Slashdot reader, Cory Doctorow, a.k.a. mouthbeef, writes: My novella “Unauthorized Bread” — originally published last year in Radicalized from Tor Books — has just been published on Ars Technica: it’s an epic tale of jailbreaking refugees versus the disobedient IoT appliances they’re forced to use, and it’s being turned into a TV show by The…

Comic-Con Trailers Include ‘Star Trek: Picard’ and HBO’s ‘Watchmen’ Series

“At Comic-Con, Sir Patrick Stewart took to the Hall H stage Saturday afternoon to discuss his new series, Star Trek: Picard,” reports CBS News: The series will focus on what caused famed captain and admiral Jean-Luc Picard to leave Starfleet, and his life since…. Patrick Stewart — who is also an executive producer — answered questions about the show. “We never…

Review: ‘Solid State’ by Jonathan Coulton

We’re reviving an old Slashdot tradition — the review. Whenever there’s something especially geeky — or relevant to our present moment — we’ll share some thoughts. And I’d like to start with Jonathan Coulton’s amazing 2017 album Solid State, and its trippy accompanying graphic novel adaptation by Matt Fraction. I even tracked down Jonathan Coulton on Friday for his thoughts on…