The Best Way To Win a Horse Race? Mathematicians May Have the Answer

sciencehabit summarizes a new article from Science magazine: Attention racehorse jockeys: Start fast, but save enough energy for a final kick. That’s the ideal strategy to win short-distance horse races, according to the first mathematical model to calculate how horses use up energy in races. The researchers say the approach could be used to identify customized pacing plans that, in theory,…

Sea turtles sometimes get really lost in the ocean on the way home

Sea turtles’ ability to navigate across open oceans is legendary, but GPS tracking shows they can miss their targets, sometimes swimming up to four times further than needed Source:…

Freelance Site Fiverr Offers Illegal Private Spying Services

Freelancer site Fiverr is where a company can hire a short term app developer, a logo designer, or someone to help with their social media accounts. Fiverr is also a site where you can buy malware to illegally spy on your spouse, pay someone to place a GPS tracker on a car, or hire an unlicensed private investigator, Motherboard reported Monday,…