What are coronal mass ejections?

Coronal mass ejections – CMEs for short – are powerful eruptions near the surface of the sun that can ripple through our solar system and can interrupt satellites and power grids on Earth. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/what-are-coronal-mass-ejections…

The US Space Force Will Use Blockchain-Based Data Protection – and SpaceX’s Reusable Rockets

“The service branch protecting U.S. interests outside the stratosphere may use blockchain to render its computer systems, on earth and in space, unhackable,” reports CoinDesk:
Last week, Xage Security won a contract from the United States Space Force to develop and roll out a blockchain-based data protection system across its networks. Called the Xage Security Fabric, the blockchain verifies data and protects…

NASA Overcomes Military’s GPS Tweaks To Peer Inside Hurricanes

sciencehabit shares a report from Science Magazine: A constellation of eight microsatellites has harvested data that — if folded into the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA’s) weather models — could have sharpened forecasts of several recent hurricanes, including Michael, a category-5 storm in October 2018. But progress was hard-won for scientists on NASA’s $157 million Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System…