SpaceX Cargo Dragon succeeds in 1st autonomous undocking

SpaceX’s CRS-21 Cargo Dragon undocked from the International Space Station’s Harmony module on January 12, 2021, succeeding in the world’s first-ever autonomous undocking and testing of several new vehicle upgrades. Source:…

John Glenn was the 1st American to orbit Earth

On February 20, 1962, John Glenn became the 1st American to orbit Earth and the first American space hero. Source:…

Elon Musk, SpaceX or a superpower: Who’ll win the new space race?

Nations from the US to China and companies such as Elon Musk’s SpaceX are vying to leave Earth again. But why – and are we ready for a second space age? Source:…

India aims for 1st landing near moon’s south pole

The moon’s south pole has never been explored from the ground, but India’s new Chandrayaan-2 mission will attempt a 1st-ever landing there, with a rover, this September. Source:…