Couple Dumps Entire House of Expensive Demon-Possessed Black Furniture

Do you have a chair that makes funny noises? How about a couch where unidentifiable objects mysteriously appear between the cushions? Or a television that shuts on and off with no remote in the area? All of those things can have perfectly normal causes and are no reason to throw the furniture away … unless… Continue reading Couple Dumps Entire House of Expensive Demon-Possessed Black Furniture

The Haunted Witch’s Murder Mansion of Virginia

Lying out in the dim woods near Charlottesville, Virginia, at the end of a meandering dirt road winding under arches of ancient looking gnarled trees is a stately old house that is one of the oldest in the area. The land was originally acquired in 1724 by a Major Thomas Carr, better known as the… Continue reading The Haunted Witch’s Murder Mansion of Virginia

Strange Encounters with the Boogeyman

There is a curious and pervasive phenomenon can be seen across a wide range of cultures worldwide. From one corner of the earth to the other, there seems to have always been a mother telling her child to watch out for what lurks in the night, waiting to prey on those who have been bad… Continue reading Strange Encounters with the Boogeyman

Unexplained Ghostly Sighting Along A Dirt Road Leaves Couple Frightened

The scene was already a creepy one – like the beginning of a horror movie – a Friday night drive down a dirt road, surrounded by fog. But what a couple witnessed alongside the dirt road left them terrified. The couple was driving on Old Pinevale Road, which cuts into the town of Lochaber, Nova… Continue reading Unexplained Ghostly Sighting Along A Dirt Road Leaves Couple Frightened

Olivia Newton-John Claims That She Is Frequently Visited By Ghosts

Olivia Newton-John says that she is often visited by the ghosts of her friends who have passed away. The Grease star revealed the ghostly encounters in her new memoir book titled Don’t Stop Believin’. In her book, she claimed that the spirits of her famous friends – singer-songwriter John Denver who died in 1997 and… Continue reading Olivia Newton-John Claims That She Is Frequently Visited By Ghosts

A Tale of Two Cursed Witches’ Ponds

Some places in this world seem to pull about them a veil of mystery. For whatever reasons these mysterious locations hold to them some sort of power beyond our understanding, to which all manner of strangeness inexorably gravitates, and which have for centuries been well-known as cursed places best left alone. Two of these are… Continue reading A Tale of Two Cursed Witches’ Ponds

Bizarre Real Encounters with Evil Imps

Throughout European legend and folklore can be found the pervasive presence of the tiny, evil little creatures commonly referred to as imps. The word comes from the Old English noun impa, meaning basically the young shoot of a tree or plant, and they are particularly prevalent in Germanic myths and legends. Although the creatures have… Continue reading Bizarre Real Encounters with Evil Imps