The Strange Mystery of the Faces of Bélmez

August 23, 1971 started like any other day for María Gómez Cámara as she went about her housework in her home in the village of Bélmez de La Moraleda, in Spain. She then passed through the kitchen area and noticed something odd on the floor, a stain there where she had never noticed one before,and… Continue reading The Strange Mystery of the Faces of Bélmez

The Mysterious Ghostly Whistle People of Indonesia

Forests have always had a hold and held an allure over humankind since the very beginning. The woods have played an important role in countless myths, legends, and tales across pretty much every corner of the earth, harboring mysteries and secrets that have always held us in thrall. These are places of myth, magic, and… Continue reading The Mysterious Ghostly Whistle People of Indonesia

More People Are Coming Forward With Ghostly Images Captured On Google Maps

Many people around the world use Google Maps for upcoming trips or to look at different locations around Earth. But can you image searching for a location and finding a ghostly apparition at that spot? Well, that’s exactly what happened to numerous Google Maps users and more people are coming forward with their eerie-looking findings.… Continue reading More People Are Coming Forward With Ghostly Images Captured On Google Maps

Woman Saved from Ghostly Torture by Psychic Rescue Squad

Most ghost stories don’t begin well – a poor human suffers an untimely and often unpleasant death. Most ghost stories don’t end well either – one or more living humans are haunted, tormented or worse by the ghost. That appeared to be the case with one Emily Sparks of the village of Writtle in Chelmsford,… Continue reading Woman Saved from Ghostly Torture by Psychic Rescue Squad

Haunted Former Sanatorium And Residence Hall Set To Be Demolished

A 95-year-old building called Wilson Hall in Oxford, Ohio, is set to be demolished this summer and will be replaced with green space. The former residence hall that housed university students until the 2015-16 school year, was once a sanatorium for women who suffered from mental and emotional disorders as well as addiction problems. The… Continue reading Haunted Former Sanatorium And Residence Hall Set To Be Demolished

A Haunted Mountain in the Appalachians

Located in the Southeastern United States, standing within the ancient Appalachian Mountains along the border between North Carolina and Tennessee is the seemingly eternally cloud-capped Roan Mountain. Its long ridge line soars to 6,285 feet into the sky, contains five separate mountain peaks, and is a vast expanse of untouched, dense wilderness, holding within it… Continue reading A Haunted Mountain in the Appalachians

“Cursed” Movie Will Terrify (And Maybe Even Kill?) Anyone Who Watches It

Most of us have heard of cursed objects that can harm and even kill people who come into contact with them. But a “cursed” movie that could potentially kill anyone who watches it is definitely a new topic for discussion. Coincidentally, “The Ring” movies come to mind where anyone who watches the creepy videotape full… Continue reading “Cursed” Movie Will Terrify (And Maybe Even Kill?) Anyone Who Watches It

Strange and Scary Tales of Vicious Albino Cannibals

There is something about the idea of wild, animalistic humans out on the hunt that inspires fear and has made it a popular theme in horror stories such as the film series The Hills Have Eyes. To have these ruthless people who are somehow less than human living away from society and up to their… Continue reading Strange and Scary Tales of Vicious Albino Cannibals

116-Year-Old Haunted Doll Blinks In Selfie Photo

It’s one thing to take a selfie with a haunted object, but it’s a whole different story when the doll is caught blinking. What’s even more terrifying is that the 116-year-old doll doesn’t have eyelids, eyelashes, or eyes. Paranormal investigators Craig Jones and Matt Wood were investigating an old abandoned (and allegedly haunted) building in… Continue reading 116-Year-Old Haunted Doll Blinks In Selfie Photo

Sex and the Single Succubus: Real Encounters with Man-Hungry Demons

Going back through the centuries and embedded within the folklore of a wide range of regions is the idea of a species of demon in female form, which appear to seduce men and steal their life energy. Most commonly called the succubus, which comes from the Latin word succuba, meaning “paramour,” these demons take on… Continue reading Sex and the Single Succubus: Real Encounters with Man-Hungry Demons