Study of mesosiderite zircons suggests Vesta was struck by a very large rock

A team of researchers from Australia, Switzerland and Japan has found evidence suggesting that the asteroid Vesta was stuck by a very large rock approximately 4.5 billion years ago. In their paper published in the journal Nature Geoscience, the group describes their study of the asteroid and what they believe is material from it. Source:…

New evidence for Pluto’s subsurface ocean

Does Pluto have an ocean? That idea seems preposterous at first, but a new study adds to the growing evidence for a subsurface ocean on this distant dwarf planet … and explains how it stays liquid. Source:…

Shrinking moon might be generating moonquakes

The moon is shrinking as its interior cools. As it shrinks, its crust wrinkles and cracks, forming “thrust faults” that, according to a new analysis, generate moonquakes. Source:…

NASA Says the Moon Is Shrinking and Experiencing ‘Moonquakes’

The moon is getting smaller, which causes wrinkles in its surface and moonquakes, according to a new study sponsored by NASA. Time Magazine reports: As the moon’s interior cools, it shrinks, which causes its hard surface to crack and form fault lines, according to research sponsored by NASA. The moon has gotten about 150 feet skinnier over the last few hundred…

Was moon created from proto-Earth magma?

A new study suggests that our moon formed from a splash of magma when a large object crashed into a proto-Earth covered in a fiery ocean. Source:…

Microplastics found in remote Pyrenees Mountains

Microplastic particles – too small for the human eye to see – were blown into the once pristine region by the wind, according to a new study. Source:…