Leaked Documents Reveal What TikTok Shares With Authorities In the US

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Intercept: Documents published in the BlueLeaks trove, which was hacked by someone claiming a connection to Anonymous and published by the transparency collective Distributed Denial of Secrets, show the information that TikTok shared with U.S. law enforcement in dozens of cases. Experts familiar with law enforcement requests say that what TikTok collects and…

How to actually stop police brutality, according to science

Though the issues brought up by this week’s George Floyd protests run deep, there is evidence that certain policy changes can lead to less violent police departments. Source: https://www.livescience.com/evidence-police-brutality-reform.html

George Floyd: Anonymous Hackers Reemerge Amid US Unrest

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the BBC: As the United States deals with widespread civil unrest across dozens of cities, “hacktivist” group Anonymous has returned from the shadows. The hacker collective was once a regular fixture in the news, targeting those it accused of injustice with cyber-attacks. After years of relative quiet, it appears to have re-emerged in the…